If you have a heart for travel and the Lord then you are in the right place! We are exploring different destinations around the world, how God’s fingerprints are evident there, and how we can carry our faith with us in our adventures - because Christian travel isn’t limited to mission trips. It is every day adventures!
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
CTN 126: Imposter Syndrome & Your Calling (Exodus 3:1-4:17)
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Imposter Syndrome. A person who doubts their skills, talents, & accomplishments and fears being exposed as a fraud (Wikipedia). When stepping into your calling, or traveling for the Lord, have you ever felt like an imposter? Have you every doubted that you were the right person for the task at hand? Have you ever found yourself thinking: "Lord, please choose someone else!" Let me tell you - you aren't alone in your doubts. Moses also objected to the Lord, when they Lord told him that he would be Israel's leader and get them to the Promised Land. In this weeks podcast we will take a look at Exodus 3:1-4:17 and reflect on how the Lord used Moses (& us) despite his fears!
Just a brief reminder, this is the last week for early bird registration for our trip to Punta Cana! Full priced registrations close in early October. You can find this and other resources on our website, at www.christiantravelers.net
Until next time, safe travels & God Bless!
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
CTN 125: Family Reunion (Genesis 46-50)
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Have you ever been to a family reunion? No, I'm not talking about a gathering over the holidays - I'm talking about a destination based family gathering with extended family. I've been to a few - in Branson, at Disneyworld, in Tennessee. But none of them compare to the family reunion Joseph experienced when he was reunited with his Father in Egypt. After 15-30 years of separation, meeting his little brother, and three years of famine - the two are finally reunited. It's messy, it's beautiful, and it paints a small picture of what the reunion will be like when we go to our heavenly home.
I encourage you to read Genesis 46-50 for yourself, and look at God's Word through the eyes of a traveler. To ponder, what that heavenly reunion will truly look like.
If you are seeking opportunities to travel with other Christians, to explore God's Word together while exploring His creation - then I encourage you to join us in Punta Cana in January! Earlybird registrations are due by Sept 25th and officially registration closes in early October. Full details can be found on our website: www.christiantravelers.net
Until next time, safe travels & God Bless!
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
CTN 124: The Repentant Traveler (Genesis 43-45)
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Over the past couple weeks we have been following the story line of nomads Sarah & Abraham down through their descendants. In this episode, we will be taking a closer look at Joseph's family's story. Specifically how one choice leads to a life of agony, guilt, shame, and ever growing pile of sin. As this family travels back and forth between Canaan & Egypt, the Lord works on their hearts and leads them to repentance.
As Christian travelers, we know that change of perspective can take time. As we walk through different scenarios, we learn and grow as we encounter different things in our journey that continue to change us to reflect our Creator. Sometimes, one of the hardest parts of that journey is repenting of our own sins and faulty logic. Join us as we dive into Genesis 43-45!
If you liked todays episode, please consider supporting us by sharing it with a friend, subscribing, and leaving us a review!
If you would like to dive into God's Word with other Christians as you travel the world - it's not too late to sign up for a trip to Punta Cana! You can find out more about this exciting adventure at www.christiantravelers.net
Until next times, safe travels & God bless!
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
CTN 123: Guarding our Mind and Relationship for the Rocky Roads (Genesis 37, 39-42)
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Growing up my father loved the saying "life's not fun or fair.' As a kid, I absolutely hated that saying, because I had this strong belief that we make what we want out of our lives and that God didn't leave us here to be miserable. So, if I wanted to have a joy filled life I could chase after that. I believe it was possible to produce an income doing a job that I absolutely loved! While there's a lot of truth to that, I have also grown up and I've walk through some toxic jobs, I've experienced the negative side of adulting - which is rocky and uncertain and there's this constant worry about bills even when the emergency fund is ready.
This rock road, reminds me of the story of Joseph. He went through a series of trials and testing: being sold off by his brothers, almost being raped by his Masters' wife, being put in prison, and yet he held onto his faith. He held onto an outlook that honored and worshiped God instead of falling into the sin of worry. In this weeks episode, we'll be be looking at Genesis 37 & 39-42.
If you want to support this podcast, please consider subscribing, sharing this with a friend, and leaving us a review!
We would love for you to join us in Punta Cana, January 14-17, 2021! We will be connecting with other Christian travelers & diving into God's Word together. You can learn more about this on our website! www.christiantravelers.net
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
CTN 122: Wrestling With Your Identity Is A Part of the Journey (Genesis 31-32)
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Wednesday Aug 25, 2021
Today, we will be looking at the story of Jacob and Esau. When God changes Jacob's name, Jacob really struggles with this change in identity. He goes from being a deceiver to the one who wrestles with God. Travel tends to change our identity, and it can be hard to explain that to those who didn't get to travel with us. So, in this weeks episode we will be exploring how we wrestle with our identity as we unpack Genesis 31 & 32. I will be also sharing a little bit about how my own name change influenced my travel experiences!
If you want to connect with your brothers & sisters in Christ, travel together, and dive into God's Word - I highly recommend that you sign up for our trip to Punta Cana in January. Earlybird registration date is September 25th.
Additionally, if you want to learn more about support this podcast, you can do so in three ways:
- Leave a review
- Share this podcast with a friend
- Subscribe on your favorite listening platform & to our weekly email list on our website, www.christiantravelers.net
Until next time, safe travels & God bless!
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
CTN 121: How Family Feuds Affect Travel Plans (Genesis 30 & 31)
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
Wednesday Aug 18, 2021
While I pray that you don't experience family/friend tensions while on your road trips or adventures, I know that feuds and tension are just a part of the uncomfortableness of travel. My family and I loved camping trips, but sometimes in the midst of packing there would be so much tension that by the time we got on the road one more bickering comment or one more frustrated word and we would suddenly find ourselves returning home and unpacking everything. Again, I pray this isn't you and I pray that you have the freedom to adventure without family feuds, but ignoring that they do exist is a problem. Today, we're going to be looking at the story of Laban and how he ends up creating family feuds that influence others travel plans. Specifically, we're going be pouring over Genesis chapter 30 and 31.
If you would like to support this podcast, you can do it through one of three ways:
- Sharing this episode with a friend
- Subscribing to our podcast on your favorite listening platform, and our email list
- Leaving us a review
If you want to connect with your brothers & sisters in Christ, explore a unique destination, and dive into God's Word - then join us in Punta Cana on January 14-17, 2022! More details can be found at our website: www.christiantravelers.net!
Until next time, safe travels & God Bless!
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
CTN 120: Why We Travel vs. What God Teaches Us When We Travel (Genesis 29)
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Raise your hand if you are a person who has ever traveled somewhere thinking that you'll gain a certain skill or you'll learn a specific thing and you've walked away with so much more from your travel experiences! My hand is definitely in the air. There's so many times that I thought that travel was gonna be an amazing blessing for x, y, and z.. and in the end I gained some of that - but I walked away with so much more! In this episode we're going to explore this dilemma between our desired goals & what God actually reveals to us through the perspective of Jacob, Leah, and Rachel in Genesis 29.
In this episode I made reference to my solo trip to Germany, episode 2, which you can listen to on your favorite platform or at www.christiantravelers.net/podcast
To learn more about our upcoming retreat or to book your next faith focused travel adventure, please go to www.christiantravelers.net
God's Blessings & Safe Travels!
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
CTN 119: How Do You Know if God is Calling You to Travel? (Genesis 24)
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
How do you know if God is really calling you to travel? Because if we're being honest those of us that love to travel - dream of the day that we get to travel full time! We have looked over our budgets, come up with all the scenarios, and we just want to travel full time. But how do we really know if that's what God wants for a life? And how do you respond to him if He says indeed it is or isn't our calling? So in this episode we're going to explore the Biblical story surrounding Isaac and Rebecca and uncover the many people stepped out in faith and responded to God's call even when it was questionable of what their journey would entail. I'm also going to share a little bit about my own adventures!
If you liked todays episode, please share it with a friend! That is the number one way you can support our podcast. Additionally, if you want to travel and connect with other Christians - we encourage you to connect with us on social media or at our upcoming retreat in Punta Cana! You can do so by heading to our website at www.christiantravelers.net
Until next time - safe travels & God Bless!
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
CTN 118: Bible Studies For Travelers
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
When traveling, does your devotional life go out the window? Breaking from your daily routine can really mess with your devotional life. If not intentional - we can accidentally forget about it all together. In this week episode we unpack different devotional methods, Bibles, and tools to help you keep Christ at the center of your adventures. (We are all made uniquely after all, so our relationship with God will all look a little different!)
If you are looking for opportunities to do Bible Studies with other Christian Travelers - then please head to www.christiantravelers.net/retreats There you can also find other faith + travel resources.
Until next time, safe travels & God Bless!
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
CTN 117: Why Christians Should Know How To Travel
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
If a stranger asked you "What are some reasons why people should know how to travel?" I'm guessing that you could easily come up with a few answers. In fact, you may know someone who has never left their home town and have tried to persuade them that there are a million reasons to travel! But if you were asked "What are some reasons why Christians should know how to travel?" what would your response be?
In this weeks episode, we will explore what makes the call unique for Christians. How God invites us to travel and made it a part of our story from the very beginning! Please feel free to share your answer in the comments below "What are some reasons why Christians should travel?"
If you are looking to get connected with our community - online, at one of our upcoming retreats, or are wanting to check out some of our resources - please go to: www.christiantravelers.net to learn more about our faith based group travel agency and how we can help you keep Christ in the center of your adventures!
Until next time - safe travels & God Bless!